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How to book a meeting

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Hi, I am Maciej.

And I’m Imran. We are experienced financial advisors at Véurr, and we are based in Canberra. With Véurr, you can get quality financial advice without the geographical barriers. Meeting with an advisor is easy. No matter where you are in Australia.

You simply click a few links to book your time, and you’ll be online and talking to us before you know it.

So how do we deliver financial advice services to our clients around Australia?

We live in a digital world and time is precious. Yet everyone still needs quality financial advice to make informed decisions. From your first point of contact online to meeting with us face-to-face, via your device, from your home office, or even your car. The process has been designed to make your life as easy as possible. Here’s how it works. Make a booking on our website. Pay the consultation fee. Receive your meeting invite via your digital link. Make sure your internet connection doesn’t let you down, and attend the meeting online. To get the most out of our meeting, try to collect the following information, an outline of your goals, a recent super statement, an estimate of your assets, an estimate of your debts, your current personal insurances, such as life, total payment disability, income protection, and trauma. If you have it. A summary of your cash flow, which includes your income and expenses. Without this information, you won’t get the best outcome from this meeting.

Here is what to expect from our first digital meeting.

We’ll work with you to: one, understand your needs and circumstances.

Two, focus on the areas of your financial advice where we can help.

Three, define your goals.

Four, develop a game plan to achieve your goals.

And five, explain ongoing services if required. Preparing your statement of advice can take around four to six weeks, depending on the complexity of the advice and the research needed. We do the work in the background while you get on with your life. It’s simple, straightforward, and proven. If you’re interested in getting your finances organized in the simplest way possible, it’s time to contact Véurr.

Click the link on screen to book your initial meeting with our financial advisors.

Let Véurr be your guide and protector every step of the way.